[Written by John Lennon & Paul McCartney] [Originally performed by The Beatles in the album "Let It Be"]
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup, They slither while they pass they slip away across the universe Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind, Possessing and caressing me Jai guru de va om Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes, They call me on and on across the universe, Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box they Tumble blindly as they make their way Across the universe Jai guru deva om Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world
Sounds of laughter, shades of earth are ringing Through my open ears inciting and inviting me Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns and calls me on and on Across the universe Jai guru deva om Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world
You got wires, going in You got wires, coming out of your skin You got tears, making tracks I got tears, that are scared of the facts
Running, down corridors through, automatic doors Got to get to you, got to see this through I see hope is here, in a plastic box I've seen christmas lights, reflect in your eyes
You got wires, going in You got wires, coming out of your skin There's dry blood, on your wrist Your dry blood on my fingertip
Running, down corridoors through, automatic doors Got to get to you, got to see this through First night of your life, curled up on your own Looking at you now, you would never know
I see it in your eyes, I see it in your eyes You'll be alright I see it in your eyes, I see it in your eyes You'll be alright
Running, down corridors through, automatic doors Got to get to you, got to see this through I see hope is here, in a plastic box I've seen christmas lights, reflect in your eyes down corridors, through automatic doors Got to get to you, got to see this through First night of your life, curled up on your own Looking at you now, you would never know.
今晚去國家戲劇院觀賞小王子音樂劇,演員表現沒注意太多,倒是音樂與歌詞深深地吸引了我,一直不停地用聽的或瞥法文歌詞,聽到第二首歌"c'est un chapeau"之際,熱淚盈眶。或許這是長久以來我一直想逃的原因。
C'est un chapeau 這是頂帽子
Est-ce que mon dessin vous a fait peur?我的畫讓你害怕嗎? Pourquoi un chapeau ferait-il peur?為什麼我該害怕一頂帽子?
Je ne comprends pas personne ne voit我實在不明白,沒有人能看出 L'éléphant au fond de ce boa 這條蟒蛇肚子裡的大象
Alors j'ai rangé tous mes crayons 於是我把所有的畫筆 Mes drôles de dessins dans des cartons 還有我古怪的畫作都放進紙箱裡 J'ai trouvé enfin ma vocation 我最終找到了自己的職業 Je suis devenu pilote d'avion 成為了一名飛行員 Les grandes personnes c'est fatiguant 大人們真是麻煩 Elles ne comprennent plus tellement他們理解不了這些 Elles ont besoin d'explications他們需要你作出解釋 Toujours et toujours des explications總是總是需要解釋
Depuis j'ai croisé des tas de gens 見過了許許多多的人 Mon avis n'a pas changé vraiment我的印象沒什麼改變 Je ne parle plus jamais d'étoiles我不再談論星星 De serpents boas, de fleurs tropicales蟒蛇和熱帶花朵
J'ai quand même voulu faire l'essai但我還是想再試一試 De mon dessin à nouveau將我的畫再次出示 Mais les grandes personnes répondaient然而大人們的回答 Toujours et toujours: "C'est un chapeau!"總是總是:「這是頂帽子!」
Alors je parlais de politique於是我談論政治 De cravates, de golf ,de courses hippiques 領帶、高爾夫、賽馬 Et les grandes personnes se rassuraient於是大人們放下心來 De connaître un homme aussi sensé 他們認識的人很理智
Je ne comprends pas personne ne voit我實在不明白,沒有人的眼光 Au-delà des choses, au-delà de soi 能超越事物,超越自己
Released: March 1995 Found on: The Bends and High and Dry single
Originally written two years before The Bends when they were recording Pablo Honey, the song started out life over a stolen Soul II Soul rhythm. They then decided to do a version of it. They had just had a new skin put on their bass drum, so Phil was messing about with it, and that is how the drum beat came up. Thom played the opening bit acoustic, for a laugh, and everyone thought it sounded like Rod Stewart. Bits got recorded and added, but it soon got discarded pretty quickly.
About at the time that they were recording The Bends, someone found it again, and they were surprised at how well it fitted in. They then put it on the album, not bothering to re-record it. The album version is the original demo version, just remixed. This song is one of the only occasions on which it was not all recorded together - as the band came in separately, and recorded their own sections before it was all put together.
It is widely regarded as perhaps Radiohead's most accessible pop hit, and was a live favourite, though it hasn't been performed in a decade. There was speculation this was mostly due to the demands of the vocal part on Thom Yorke's voice. However, in a recent interview Thom said he "had his arm twisted... to put [the song] anywhere" and described it in the following words: "It's not bad, you know. It's not bad... it's very bad. [Laughs]"
Thom has frequently dedicated this song to the "older people, who don't like loud music". There are two videos for this song - one for the release in the UK featuring the band in a desert, and one for release in the USA with a story revolving around a Pulp Fiction-esque diner.
Drying up in conversation, you'll be the one who cannot talk
High & dry US version
High & dry UK version
Two jumps in a week, I bet you think that's pretty clever don't you boy? Flying on your motorcycle, watching all the ground beneath you drop You'd kill yourself for recognition, kill yourself to never, ever stop You broke another mirror, you're turning into something you are not
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Drying up in conversation, you'll be the one who cannot talk All your insides fall to pieces, you just sit there wishing you could still make love They're the ones who'll hate you when you think you've got the world all sussed out They're the ones who'll spit on you, you'll be the one screaming out
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Oh, it's the best thing that you ever had, the best thing that you ever, ever had. It's the best thing that you ever had, the best thing you have had has gone away.
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry Don't leave me high, Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
這位歌手名叫George Martinez,佛羅里達人是也,上面那首歌曲名為Persistence of a Memory,以下為歌詞:
I cried beneath a boiling sun. You left me wishing all the same. The settings all changed, And now the moon is lying.
You didn't mean to, But I'm rubbing my face in solitude, It’s salt in wounds that never heal. You didn't mean to, But intentions don't change... Bottles filled with sympathy are drowning me.
You say it's all in dreams, I would rather beg for better days... Bending our fates a million ways... I'm dying in September's pain.
I see reflections of a perfect world, But only in sleep... You weren't only a dream, to me, cause it seemed too real, Always.
I’ve memorized the patterns in my head, Right now is the only time I have to find unity. (My thoughts seem to fall right out of dignity.)
You didn't mean to, But I'm rubbing my face in solitude It’s salt in wounds that never heal.
You didn't mean to, But intentions don't change... Bottles filled with sympathy are drowning me.
So say it all in dreams... I'm running out of sleep... You woke me just in time to see you turn the page on a chapter of eternity.
Now I'm falling You loved me too late, you held me there, every moment we had is concealed in a dream.
(you see me, see me falling, hear me calling, see me trying, you can see me trying, hear me calling, see me falling down)
You say it lies in dreams. I find it necessary to make a change. I'm running from the rain clouds of pain cause it's just way too late...to wait.
試聽他幾首歌,主要搭配的吉他挺悅耳的,有點John Mayer的感覺,但又不似其已然有點商業討好、太過甜膩的氣息。目前他發了兩張專輯,分別是2005的首歌「waiting for change」及今年的「Just George」,想知道他更多訊息,請至以下連結:
Je viens d'entendre quelques bonnes chansons sur Internet. Elles sont superbs et belles. Je les aime beaucoup tout de suite. Je les trouve sur youtube et les pose ci-dessous. Si vous les intéressez, vous pourrez cliquer...
New order true faith
Stereophonics - Pick a Part That's New (pas très claire)
事情是這樣的,剛剛得知Charlotte Gainsbourg以prête-moi ta main(借你的手牽)提名2007法國凱薩獎最佳女主角,與她共演的男主角Alain Chabat(同時也獲得本次凱薩獎最佳男主角提名)也與她合作數回,前一回合作為即將在台上映的La Science des rêves(戀愛夢遊中),更前一回為Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants (他們結婚了,且有很多小孩)。重點來了!!!我在Youtube查到這部電影的片段,背景音樂是Radiohead之Creep,Charlotte站在巴黎的Virgin Mega試聽,然後...Johny Depp出現啦!!!真是予人想像的神秘迷人陌生人,看他劇中裝扮,應是「秘窗」時期跑去客串。
When you were here before, Couldn't look you in the eye You're just like an angel, Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather In a beautiful world I wish I was special You're so fuckin' special
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here
I don't care if it hurts, I wanna have control I want a perfect body I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice when I'm not around You're so fuckin' special I wish I was special
But I'm a creep I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here, ohhhh, ohhhh
She's running out again She's running out She runs runs runs runs... runs...
Whatever makes you happy Whatever you want You're so fuckin' special I wish I was special
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here
I had a great time hanging out with my dear long-time-no-see friends today-- having an afternoon tea(西門町門卡迪, I ordered a delicious strawberry mousse), having a dinner in Korean restaurant(韓江銅盤烤肉, again!) and strolling in newly-opened SOGO and Breeze Center, which made me feel better and derive a little courage and energy from despair to face more and more frustrations in life.
It was nice meeting you guys. I really need some time to release myself, even though what I did just blah-blah.
Parfois, je ne sais pas que je suis pris des vertige. Ce sont peut-être mes rêves. Je me trouve un peu déroutant à mon future quand je pense que c'est l'heure à changer. Mais changer pour quoi? Pour beaucoup d'argent ou le travail que je persuade vraiment. La vie que je vis maintenant est pas mal mais j'en trouve très tranguille sans un challenge. Donc je n'en content pas alors je me pose des questions comme il peut à vie. Enfin, je me couche tout à coup devant ma tableau.
Il a mis le café Dans la tasse Il a mis le lait Dans la tasse de café Il a mis le sucre Dans le café au lait Avec la petite cuiller Il a tourné Il a bu le café au lait Et il a reposé la tasse Sans me parler Il a allumé Une cigarette Il a fait des ronds Avec la fumée Il a mis les cendres Dans le cendrier Sans me parler Sans me regarder Il s’est levé Il a mis Son chapeau sur sa tête Il a mis Son manteau de pluie Parce qu’il pleuvait Et il est parti Sous la pluie Sans une parole Sans me regarder Et moi j’ai pris Ma tête dans ma main Et j’ai pleuré.